Reverse Log: ============ PA4VHF, 435 MHz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This reverse log is generated by collecting all good QSOs claimed by other contest participants when the original log is not available. Thus, it might not contain all QSOs done by the station. Nevertheless it allows tracking of the stations activity and its analysis might result in detecting problematic and potentially problematic QSOs. They are marked with the following codes: -- D -- 'Double': Two adjacent QSOs have the same QSO number, both QSOs stay valid. -- M -- 'Moveable': QSO number is out of sync but can be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO stays valid. -- X -- 'Excluded': QSO is out of sync and can not be moved in sync by shifting in a five minute time window. QSO is invalid. -- U -- 'Unclear': Unclear situation. QSO might be lost by manual review. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2019-07-06 18:51:00 PA4VHF 59 0001 JO32JE DQ7A 59 0069 JN59RJ 2019-07-06 18:54:00 PA4VHF 59 0003 JO32JE DL5DAW 59 0083 JO31QH 2019-07-06 19:08:00 PA4VHF 59 0007 JO32JE DJ7R 59 0138 JN59UK 2019-07-06 19:21:00 PA4VHF 59 0008 JO32JE DL0HTW 59 0096 JO60QU 2019-07-06 20:27:00 PA4VHF 59 0011 JO32JE DD8DW 59 0067 JO31WO 2019-07-06 20:29:00 PA4VHF 59 0012 JO32JE DL0NF 55 0050 JN59PL 2019-07-06 20:37:00 PA4VHF 59 0014 JO32JE DL0LN 59 0062 JO31QX 2019-07-06 20:45:00 PA4VHF 59 0015 JO32JE DF0HS/P 59 0079 JO31AA 2019-07-06 21:05:00 PA4VHF 59 0017 JO32JE DG8NCO 59 0018 JO50VH 2019-07-06 21:17:00 PA4VHF 59 0020 JO32JE DK0NA 59 0196 JO50TI 2019-07-06 21:34:00 PA4VHF 59 0023 JO32JE DM5D 55 0089 JO61OC 2019-07-07 04:24:00 PA4VHF 59 0027 JO32JE DF0MU 59 0161 JO32PC 2019-07-07 06:00:00 PA4VHF 59 0030 JO32JE DL7AKL 55 0130 JO62JA 2019-07-07 06:05:00 PA4VHF 599 0031 JO32JE DM3D 599 0058 JO62IH 2019-07-07 06:30:00 PA4VHF 59 0033 JO32JE DF0WF 59 0042 JO62XR 2019-07-07 06:35:00 PA4VHF 59 0034 JO32JE DF0XG 59 0060 JO51KW 2019-07-07 06:48:00 PA4VHF 59 0035 JO32JE DM2EUN 59 0029 JO60IV 2019-07-07 07:04:00 PA4VHF 59 0037 JO32JE DK0PU 59 0034 JO31JN 2019-07-07 10:58:00 PA4VHF 59 0039 JO32JE DL9LBH 59 0060 JN59ID 2019-07-07 11:00:00 PA4VHF 59 0040 JO32JE DL0GM 59 0068 JO31UB 2019-07-07 11:01:00 PA4VHF 59 0041 JO32JE DK5EZ 59 0032 JO31NH 2019-07-07 11:03:00 PA4VHF 59 0042 JO32JE DR5T 59 0108 JN47ET -- X -- 2019-07-07 11:06:00 PA4VHF 59 0073 JO32JE DM1Y 59 0028 JN47QV 2019-07-07 11:08:00 PA4VHF 59 0044 JO32JE DK0HAN 59 0045 JO31LE 2019-07-07 11:15:00 PA4VHF 59 0045 JO32JE DF6WE 59 0017 JO31GO 2019-07-07 11:25:00 PA4VHF 59 0047 JO32JE DL0VR 59 0009 JO31MI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generated by 'reverse_log_check.php 0.1'